A counselling service…
for Deaf, Deafblind or Hard of Hearing people, or for relatives of Deaf people who would like Deaf-Aware counselling.

What is counselling?
Counselling is a special relationship where one person helps another person to deal with their feelings and to cope with life more easily. Counsellors do not give advice or tell you what to do. They help by listening in a special way, asking questions and helping you to talk about your feelings so that you can work out for yourself what is best for you.
Counselling is available in:
- British Sign Language (BSL)
- Sign Supported English (SSE)
- Deafblind Manual Alphabet
- Hands-On-Signing
- Spoken English
All our counsellors are fully qualified and either BACP accredited or eligible for accreditation. Sometimes you may be referred to a volunteer counsellor who will either be recently qualified or in their final year of training. We will try to give you a choice of Deaf or hearing counsellor.
Click here for the website for the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
What will I have to talk about?
Your counsellor will ask questions to help you, but you don’t have to talk about anything if you don’t want to.
What if I am not sure if I want to have counselling?
Don’t worry, you can come and talk to an experienced counsellor free of charge to find out more. Then you can decide if counselling is right for you.
How long does counselling last?
Sessions are 50 minutes long, and normally once a week. The number of sessions varies a lot. It is usually between 6 and 20 sessions. You can always stop the counselling at any time if you want to.
Where does counselling take place?
For confidentiality, the counselling does not happen at the main office of Caritas Deaf Service. Counselling usually takes place at a separate site in Islington or remotely using video calling. Your counsellor will give you the details with your appointment.
Contact Details
Nikki Dhillon Keane
07936 939522
Signs of Hope
Caritas Deaf Service
Vaughan House, 46 Francis Street
London SW1P 1QN
We also provide:
As part of our work we are able to offer the following Life Skills Courses in BSL with links to information in BSL:
Anger Management – learn to understand about different types of anger, understand your own anger, use important skills to help control your anger and deal with other people’s anger.
Anger Management (BSL Support)
Advanced Anger Management (BSL Support)
Confidence Building – learn how to feel good about yourself, be more assertive, ask for what you want and get other people to respect you.
Confidence Building (BSL Support)
Advanced Confidence Building (BSL Support)
Relationship Skills – learn about different kinds of relationships, what is a “good” relationship, how to deal with difficult or abusive relationships and improve your relationship skills.
Instances of mental health issues within the Deaf community are significantly higher than in the general population. Signs of Hope is a counselling service for Deaf, deafened, Hard of Hearing and Deafblind people and their friends and family.
Following some high profile suicides in the Deaf community earlier this year we have produced the video below as a way to help support people in crisis. The video is presented in BSL with an audio track in English and the transcript is included below.
> Transcript
Hello my name is Nikki, I work at Signs of Hope a counselling service for Deaf people. Recently in the Deaf Community there has been a lot of sad news about Deaf people who have died because of suicide and this has especially affected young Deaf men. This is important and you are important. All life is valuable.
Maybe you know someone who has died because of suicide or maybe you are worried about another person who is at risk of suicide or maybe you are in that position yourself. If you have been thinking about suicide or self-harm maybe you have thought that you don’t want to bother other people about it thinking it is better to keep it to myself. That is not the case. It is really important that you talk with somebody that you trust. It could be a friend or a family member or a professional it doesn’t matter who it is but it is really important that you let somebody know how you are feeling. It can be difficult for Deaf people to access support so it important that you know how to access the support that is available for you.
If it is an emergency and you or someone you know is in crisis and wanting to kill themselves then go straight to A&E or text 999. Check that your phone is already registered so that you can use the 999 text service. To register your phone text REGISTER to 999. If you are looking for confidential support from a helpline you can contact the Samaritans by email jo@samaritans.org. Another option is to get support via text message. Text DEAF to 85258. The service is free, you can text day or night and it is confidential. It is not always possible to get a reply straightway and you may have to wait up to 24 hours before you receive a reply.
While you are waiting for some support, if you are feeling really emotional and need to calm down there are some things you can do. Try breathing slowly, count your breathing, as you breathe in count up to 7 and as you breathe out count up to 11. Sit down and press your feet firmly into the ground. With your hands clench them and then release them. Try to go for a walk. Make sure you go to a safe place for example a friend’s house, or a hospital, or a place where you know there will be other people. You may prefer other options. There is an app Stay Alive that you can download onto your phone and it is free. The app can help you in 3 ways, give information about local support, help you to create a safety plan for yourself, and helps you to think about your life. If you are looking for support in sign language you can have counselling or psychotherapy.
At Signs of Hope we offer free counselling. We can offer communication in BSL, SSE or spoken English, the choice is yours. We do not use interpreters as it is much better for you to communicate directly with the counsellor.
Our contact details are Email: signsofhope@rcdow.org.uk or SMS 07534 570429.
If you are thinking of harming yourself or contemplating suicide please let us know so that we can start your counselling quickly.
There are other options as well. There is Deaf4Deaf counselling service, Sign Health, and Deaf people who are private counsellors. If you want more information please contact us.
If you are thinking of harming yourself or are at risk of suicide, please do not suffer alone. Please ask for help. You are an important person and your life is valuable.
If you are worried about another person please pass this information on to them.
Thank you for watching.
If you know anyone who would benefit from this information please pass on the details of this webpage.