Safe in Faith is a project of Caritas Westminster working to support survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence and exploitation in ways that understand how their faith impacts their experiences. Although we are a Catholic organisation, based in the values of Catholic Social Teaching we work with people of all different faiths.

The project grew out of the Domestic Abuse Working Group of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, as well as work of Caritas Westminster and the National Board of Catholic Women.  

The work of Safe in Faith is based on the following principles:

Safety is always the first priority

The needs of victims and survivors are always the focus of this work. People with lived experience guide the development of Safe in Faith.

All support is rooted in a deep understanding of trauma, and the needs of people who have been traumatised.

We support victims and survivors of any gender but we also understand that women are disproportionately and differently impacted by domestic abuse.

We understand that experiences of individual abuse intersect with experiences of social oppression like racism, ableism or homophobia.

We work to create a safe and welcoming space for people of any religious racial or cultural background, and for people of any sexual or gender identity.

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