Happy Sixth Birthday Caritas Bakhita House!
Karen Anstiss, Service Manager of Bakhita House writes:
Caritas Bakhita House is six years old. I want to thank our team, our volunteers, our colleagues at the Diocese, those that fund us and our partners – without whom none of this would have been possible. But my biggest thanks goes to the women who have stayed with us. They have shown immense bravery and determination to start a new life, showing us all that you can overcome the cruelty of others and begin again without fear of exploitation, embarking upon a path of dignity, love and hope.
I asked the women to reflect on Bakhita House and this is what they said.
“It felt like being part of a big family.”
“This place was like a school and university for me.”
“I experienced something that I have never experienced before. It’s a rare opportunity that someone like me can have.”
“I spent my time so nice that I will never forget in my life. I found here a second family.”
“This house is as if heaven on earth. Before I was in hell and I have gone up to paradise. I have now seen the angels on earth. I have felt miracles performed on earth – in myself.”
“When I came here I was not a strong woman. I was just scared. After I lived here the staff always talked to me and advised me. The most moving thing was when Anna came with me to the hospital as my birth partner. I have no family here. It makes me cry to think of how I was when I came. I am so grateful to everyone here – the support workers, the volunteers, and the English coach.”
“Bakhita House is like a school preparatory to a new life. We get opportunities but it is your own choice. It is like the sun. It is for everybody but everybody has their own way of using it. No-one is forced, but for most guests this is the first time in their life they have had a chance to reflect and see their past, present and future in a clear light. I am volunteering now and am happy to being giving something back – when I have received so much. I really like the volunteers in the house and see how much they give – planting seeds that will grow.”
“It is not a house it is a good kind family – of night staff, support workers, guests and Karen and Anna (the mothers). They teach me everything. I have learnt how to cook, how to use a sewing machine, how to garden and I learn English at a college and also in the house. Happy Birthday Bakhita.”
“The people in this family treat us very well. I have lived here for the past year and feel very grateful. I have learned some English. I did not know any English at all before I came. When I leave Bakhita House I want to get an apprenticeship and find something to do. I want to pay taxes so that the government has the capacity to look after people with problems who are in the same situation as me now.”

Caritas Bakhita House is currently home to eight women aged 31 to 59, from seven different countries.
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