Our Services are key contributors to social action within the Diocese of Westminster. They serve individuals with particular needs or who find themselves in circumstances where they need some support.

All our services are run to further the principle that every person should be able to live a life of dignity and worth. Discover them below.

Caritas St Joseph’s

At Caritas St Joseph’s, we work with individuals with intellectual disabilities to enable them to participate fully in their communities and in church life.

Caritas Deaf Service

Working with Deaf, Deafblind and Hard of Hearing people of all ages to facilitate and enable them to participate fully in the life of the Church, sharing their own gifts.

Caritas Bakhita House

Caritas Bakhita House provides women escaping human trafficking with the safety and support to allow them to begin the recovery process.

Seeds Hub

Seeds Hub works with people who have an idea for a charity, social enterprise or business for good that they’d like to get off the ground.

Safe in Faith

Safe in Faith aims to provide survivors of domestic abuse, who are part of a faith community, with safe, faith based support and counselling that is tailored to their needs as believers.

Caritas Volunteer Service

The Caritas Volunteer Service aims to make voluntary service as easy as possible in the Diocese of Westminster 

Parishes and charities can make volunteering opportunities available on our website, which people can then apply for.

We also run events to support volunteering.

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