How to be an Act of Grace for a Survivor of Domestic Abuse this Christmas
Nikki Dhillon Keane writes about how domestic abuse, which has already escalated during the lockdowns…
Service With a Smile – Providing Essentials Without Stigmatising
Murray Devine recently spoke at our Young Caritas Forum about the work of Borehamwood Foodbank, which has been…
A Saint at the Table
November is a month dedicated to remembrance, and to celebrating our saints. Members of the Caritas…
Stretch Forth Your Hand to the Poor: World Day of the Poor 2020
By Sister Silvana Dallanegra rscj, Development Worker for West London In 2017 Pope Francis instituted…
How to Make Facemasks for the Homeless
Every year the St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) provides thousands of ‘Vinnie Packs’ full of essential…
A Message of Hope for Anti-Slavery Day
Sunday 18th October 2020 is Anti-Slavery Day in the UK. House Manager of Caritas Bakhita…
A Day in the Life of a Development Worker
By Liz Wills, Development Worker for North Hertfordshire I wasn’t planning on working at church…
To Turn Apathy into Empathy, and Empathy into Action
On the occasion of 106th Day of Migrants and Refugees, Rosa Lewis, Caritas Westminster Development…
Faith Without Barriers
At the end of June, the Vatican formalised its decision to include sacramental provision for…