Diocese of Westminster
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster Education Service
The Diocese of Westminster Education Service is looking for committed practising Catholics who wish to serve the mission of the Church in the role of Foundation Director in an Academy Trust. The role differs from the role of school governor. The directors of a Catholic Academy Trust (CAT) are responsible for the Academy Trust as a whole and are accountable to the Archbishop and the Secretary of State for Education. Lack of school governance experience is no bar to appointment. Induction and training will be provided.
What is the role?
• To be a guardian of the Trust’s vision and pursue the Trust’s Objects, safeguarding and promoting the values of the Trust and its Catholic ethos
• Promote the success of the Academy Trust and its Academies in accordance with its objects
• Employ staff
• Be accountable for standards, attainment and outcomes for young people, critically evaluate the performance of the Trust and its Academies and hold the leadership of the Academies to account
• Agree the financial budget and the auditing of the Trust accounts, ensuring sound financial management of the Academies within it contribute to giving clear strategic direction to the Trust
• Carry out Board business effectively, including induction of new Directors and a commitment to continued professional development.
What personal qualities are desirable?
• A commitment to the Trust and its Objects including the Catholic ethos
• A willingness to devote the necessary time and effort to the Trust’s business
• An ability to hold others to account for their professional practice
• Strategic vision
• Good independent judgement
• An understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship
• Effective communication skills
• Experience of some of the following areas: education, Church Schools, finance, law, human resources, business risk management, land or building matters, charity trusteeship, local or community involvement, parent of school aged child.
What is the commitment?
Appointments are normally made for a term of 4 years.
Number of meetings: A minimum of 3 per term with variable meeting schedule in between
Hours per week: More than 1 hour
To find out more or to apply, please get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.