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100 Year Old Volunteer Receives Award


Ron Palmer, who has volunteered at St Joseph’s Pastoral Centre for 35 years, has had his contribution recognised with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the JVN Celebration of Volunteering Awards 2019.

Aged 100, Ron joined Caritas St Joseph’s in 1984 when the staff consisted of the director and a nun – they called on Ron to help with the book-keeping and he has been doing it, five days a week, ever since.

Ron modestly says he is not very good at change, but he has successfully managed the introduction of modern, computerised book-keeping methods and seen many staff and other volunteers come and go over the years. “The people are very, very nice” he says. Perhaps this is one reason why he has stayed there for so long.

Ron received his award on 4th December, at a ceremony organised by the Jewish Volunteer Network, who have supported Caritas Westminster in promoting volunteering.

Ron’s invaluable contribution in the “back office” shows just one of many ways volunteers can serve the community. Caritas Volunteer Service can provide information for anyone who would like to live out their faith more actively by volunteering. 



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