Caritas Ambassadors is a programme for both primary and secondary schools created by Caritas Westminster. It aims to equip pupils with a strong understanding of Catholic Social Teaching and how we can put it into action in our daily lives.

The programme runs through six key themes of Catholic Social Teaching and helps the trainee Ambassadors to think about social justice issues in their local community, before taking them through responding by developing and running their own social action project. It also introduces them to the work of Caritas Westminster, offering practical examples of how we use Catholic Social Teaching to influence our work.
The Caritas Ambassadors become leaders of social action in their school, and responsible for sharing what they have learnt with those around them. They can share the work of Caritas Westminster with others, but especially share their increased understanding of the issues faced by their local community, and how they and their fellow pupils can address these to create a fairer society.
The programme focuses on the group developing their own ideas, and taking responsibility for creating and running their social action projects themselves. It guides them to use the Give, Act, Share, Pray model to design their project, looking at how they can give their time and skills to act to support those in need, and sharing this work with others through awareness raising and prayer.
Listen to Mr Tom Booth, Assistant Headteacher at St John XXIII Primary school in White City, as he speaks about the impact that the Caritas Ambassadors Programme has had on the children there.
Or click here for a shorter (< 2minute) video.
If your school would like to know more about our work in schools, or about running Caritas Ambassadors during the next school year, please contact your local Development Worker, or email Sr Silvana