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A Fruitful Partnership


In January 2023, Caritas Westminster welcomed 3 interns from Notre Dame University in Indiana, US – Annie, Caitlin and Colleen – who will be working alongside us until May.

Since 2017, Caritas Westminster has worked with Notre Dame University (through their London Global Gateway) which sees students from the university spend a semester studying abroad at their central London campus. Alongside their academic studies, the programme allows the students to spend part of their week gaining professional experience in the workplace. 

As a result of this partnership, Caritas Westminster has been able to host many Notre Dame students over the past few years, all bringing different skills and knowledge to the work we do, as well as acquiring new ones whilst they are with us. This partnership has proved successful both for the work of Caritas and for the students, who are able to draw on the lessons and skills learnt working with us when they return to the US. 

All inspired by our mission, our current interns have told us what prompted them to work with us and what they are hoping to achieve:

Annie, 21

Course: Major in Neuroscience and Behavior, minor in theology 

Why did you choose to work at Caritas? 

When researching the internship options in London, the first thing that caught my eye at Caritas Westminster was their service at the Bakhita House. In high school, I volunteered at a day-shelter for women undergoing human trafficking, homelessness, and poverty, so I immediately knew that I liked some of the work Caritas was doing. After looking more into Caritas and their mission, I noticed more and more aspects of the charity that aligned with my values, such as my beliefs in Catholic Social Teaching. That being said, Caritas truly does God’s work, and I am so excited to be able to live out my passion for service during my four months in London 

What are you hoping to achieve whilst interning at Caritas Westminster? 

During my time at Caritas, I want to help make a difference in the lives of others in whatever way I can. I hope to bring my talents to the table in order to be an asset to the Caritas team, while being a positive voice in the office that encourages others to do the same. Excitingly, half of my time will be spent at St. Joseph’s as well, which is an experience that I am particularly looking forward to. If given the opportunity to interact with the students, I believe that I could help serve as a mentor and friend, motivating them to be the best version of themselves and supporting them in any way possible.

Caitlin, 20

Course: Finance and Public Service

Why did you choose to intern at Caritas Westminster? 

Friends of mine at school who have worked with Caritas in years past have only had glowing things to say about their experience, and encouraged me to apply. The more I read about Caritas Westminster, particularly their work in providing deaf services, I knew it was where I wanted to spend my time while in London. Especially after my interview with Caitlin and Elke this fall, it became clear this would be a fantastic place to work. 

What are you hoping to achieve whilst interning at Caritas Westminster? 

I always knew that I wanted to intern at a local organization while studying abroad in London so I could learn more about the city, and the people who live here. With Caritas Westminster specifically, I primarily hope to be of assistance to everyone both in the office, and at St. Joseph’s, during my time working here, but also see first-hand the daily operations of working with an organization that runs such a diverse array of charitable missions, and the positive impact it has on people’s lives. 

Colleen, 21

Course: Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics; Economics

Why did you choose to intern at Caritas Westminster? 

Throughout college, I have been able to volunteer at several non-profits, including a summer camp for primary school children and an organization for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Caritas Westminster’s daily services reminded me of these opportunities that I greatly enjoyed being a part of and hope to continue to be a part of. Along with being interested in the services Caritas Westminster provides, Caritas Westminster will also give me the opportunity to learn about more of the everyday work that goes into running a non-profit, something that I want to learn more about and to do in the future. 

What are you hoping to achieve whilst interning at Caritas Westminster? 

During my time at Caritas Westminster, I am hoping to learn more about the organizational side of non-profits. Having previously volunteered at non-profits, I have been curious about the work done behind the scenes in order to maintain the organization. Since Caritas Westminster has many different divisions within the organization, I hope to understand more about the work done to help these divisions continue to thrive. Throughout my internship, I also hope to form connections with the people I will be working with, learning more about their lives and how they decided to be a part of the Caritas Westminster community. 

If you would like to get more involved with the work of Caritas Westminster, or projects and organisations we support, visit the Caritas Volunteer Service website, or contact the Caritas Volunteer Service Coordinator, Elke Springett.


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