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“An Injection of Self-Esteem”


A guest at Caritas Bakhita House has just completed her first month at work, exploitation free!

Here is what she wrote…

I have a very good impression of the supermarket, not only as an entrepreneurial company, but also because of the quality of its products and service. Above all, I have a very good impression of the human quality of all the people who work there.

In all my working life, I have never met such wonderful, pleasant and generous people.   I always felt welcomed by everyone and very motivated to do my job.  They taught and helped me at all times.  I never felt displaced, nor alone, on the contrary, I believe I have new friends.

It is the first time in my life that they accept me in a job as I am, regardless of my physical appearance, it does not matter that I am fat or do not know how to speak English.  For them I am worth it.  I am a Person!  I have nothing but words of appreciation for all that I have learned with them.  It doesn’t matter the culture, religion or country … We are the same.  There are no differences.

Gone are the bad memories of the past in my country of origin, where in order to get a job, you not only had to hand over your body, but also your dignity.  And in my country of residence, I only felt the atmosphere of xenophobic rejection and that some people took advantage of me. 

Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to be part of this team, for having the patience to teach me, but the most important thing for me is for accepting me for the person that I am …. The whole experience has been like an injection of self-esteem. 

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