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Service With a Smile – Providing Essentials Without Stigmatising


Murray Devine recently spoke at our Young Caritas Forum about the work of Borehamwood Foodbank, which has been providing more than food since 2013. Here he tells how 2020 has seen a massive

increase in demand but an equivalent increase in generosity and cheerful dedication.

fr dominic borehamwood foodbank
Fr Dominic, another trustee of Borehamwood Foodbank.

It is a terrible indictment that Foodbanks have to exist in Britain in 2020. But the reality is that the benefits and welfare systems are so riddled with flaws and inconsistencies that all too many people and families simply find themselves in crisis and do not have sufficient money to live on. Here at Borehamwood Foodbank we strive to make the experience of visiting us as fair, non-judgemental and pleasant as possible. Nobody need ever feel ashamed to ask for the help that so many people in the community who donate have provided to us. During the full period of the Covid-19 emergency the enhanced generosity of the public, churches and synagogues, local businesses and schools has been astonishing, allowing us to meet a demand of over 3 times what it was before.

Felix bags

Our volunteers have been amazing in their dedication to keep us running throughout whilst observing al the necessary safety precautions. Service with a smile! We have been very pleased to add more help to those in need beyond food during these difficult times. For example we have provided financial support for gas and electricity, new school uniforms and warm lunch packs during the initial lock-down and school holidays for those who would have had free school meals

If you want to support your local Foodbank, simply contact them and ask what they need. There is always something that will enhance what they do, whether is more tins of fruit or rice pudding, help collecting from the supermarket collection points or making food pack deliveries to those who are housebound due to disability, illness or precautionary quarantining. Just bring your smile with you!

Check out the Caritas Food Collective‘s Advent Giving Calendar for more ideas on what to give this festive season.

You might also be interested in Caritas Westminster provides emergency funds for Borehamwood Foodbank



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