Building Communities – a Young Person’s View of Caritas Westminster
Anna Huynh is a young person who has recently visited Caritas Westminster to observe us…
A Call for Social Poets
“On the margins I have discovered so many social movements with roots in parishes or…
The Feast of the Sacred Heart: Entirely Right, Right Now
Sr Silvana Dallanegra rscj is a member of the Society of the Sacred Heart, and…
Infinite Worth and Dignity
Rosa Lewis, our project lead for Refugees and Migrants, writes on the rapidly changing situation…
The Power of Food and Community – World Hunger Day 2022
On World Hunger Day, Niki Psarias who joined Caritas Westminster in March 2022 and is…
Proclaim the Gospel With Your Life
On 31 May 1982, more than 250,000 people packed into Heaton Park to hear Pope…
Caritas: Compassion, Love and Justice
John Coleby is the director of Caritas Westminster. Here he reflects on the Catholic church’s…
Social Apostolate St. Ignatius: A Place of Refuge, A Place of Acceptance, and a Place of Social Inclusion
Viannie Egbunike is an intern at Caritas St. Joseph’s from California, USA. She is studying…
“As I Have Loved You, So You Must Love One Another.” A Call to Protect the Rights of Victims of Modern Slavery
Ahead of the celebrations this Easter weekend, we must first mark Maundy Thursday, the day…