Solidarity and Striking Dockers
Last week I led the third of our The Why sessions. These periodic reflections on our experiences…
Being a Hearing Ally for the Deaf Community
In a perfect world, my job would not exist. Every parish would be fully inclusive…
A Year of Service – The Selfless Dedication of Volunteers During the Pandemic
March 2020 is the month we will all remember as the month the world turned…
Firm Foundations and Cold Morning Queues
“Our greatest power is not in the respect that others have for us, but the…
Striving to do More for Vulnerable Migrants
Recent months have been extremely challenging for refugees and migrants in London. Not only they…
The Dignity of the Worker, SEIDS Property Services and St Josephs
“Work is fundamental to the dignity of a person. Work… “anoints” us with dignity, fills…
Giving up Treats for Lent is a Privilege
“You can’t have a chocolate biscuit, its Lent” I find myself telling my children this…
Stronger Together in the Fight Against Homelessness
In reading the Pope’s new social encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, in the light of the social…
Journeying Together this Lent
by John Coleby The Old Testament and New Testament are punctuated with stories about journey: Abraham’s…