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Holy Saturday: Vigil

Maria Assumpta Chapel Kensington Square, London

We are once again very pleased to join the Sisters of the Assumption and Mgr Vladimir Felzmann for the Triduum at: Maria Assumpta Chapel, Kensington Square, London W8 5HH   Maundy […]

Event Series Signed Mass

Signed Mass

Westminster Cathedral Hall Westminster Cathedral Hall, Ambrosden Avenue, London, United Kingdom

Mass starts at 4:30pm and there will be the opportunity for confession before Mass starts. Mass is accessible in BSL and in spoken English. Entrance to the hall is via […]

Signed Mass

St Mary and Michael St. Mary and Michael, Commercial Road, Stepney, London, United Kingdom

Come and join the parish of St Mary & St Michael, Commercial Road at their 10:30a.m. Mass is signed by Fr Keith Stoakes.  The rest of Mass with be interpreted […]

Deaf Community Bible Study

Vaughan House 46 Francis Street, London, United Kingdom

Come and join our monthly bible study in BSL (British Sign Language). Not able to join us?  Watch our recorded version on our Facebook page or on our YouTube […]

Annual CDA Walsingham Pilgrimage

Walsingham Catholic Shrine Norfolk

Walsingham RC Shrine, Norfolk NR22 Upon arrival, in the village of Walsingham, at 12noon we will meet pilgrims from other Diocese (in the village parish church of the Annunciation NR22 […]

Event Series Signed Mass

Signed Mass

Westminster Cathedral Hall Westminster Cathedral Hall, Ambrosden Avenue, London, United Kingdom

Mass starts at 4:30pm and there will be the opportunity for confession before Mass starts. Mass is accessible in BSL and in spoken English. Entrance to the hall is via […]