Caritas Westminster has produced its 5th Advent Giving Calendar!
Every year since 2019 schools, parishes, individuals, families and businesses have made use of our Advent Giving Calendar to support their local food project and as part of their preparations for Christmas.
While the need has increased in this time, so has people’s generosity. One school which runs a food bank told us last year that donations inspired by the Calendar helped them to keep stocked up until Easter.
The calendar has been used by people of all ages, encouraging them to donate one item for each day in Advent to their local food bank or other project which provides food. It can also inspire adults and children to think more about the needs of people around them at Christmas time.
For example, a year 2 child at St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School, said at the beginning of Advent last year “I have started to buy these food items. My mum said that she will take me to drop these at the food bank. I am excited to do this. I cannot wait to help people when I grow up. I want to make a difference to make this world a better place for everyone.”
We know our communities will respond just as enthusiastically this year and hope our jolly snowman themed calendar will inspire bright displays and themed collection areas in schools and parishes across the diocese, as well as in peoples homes. We look forward to seeing some photos on social media – please tag Caritas Westminster and use the hashtag #adventgivingcalendar.
This year we hope the Calendar will be used in even more places and by even more people, as we are offering a version of the it to sister organisations in the Caritas network, both in dioceses in England and Wales and also the rest of Europe.
As the cost of living crisis continues to affect families in our diocese and across the country the need to support food projects is greater than ever. Some parish run food banks spend up to £1,000 a week on supplies to serve those who need them.
The volunteers which run the Social Apostolate, serving homeless people in Stamford Hill, said last year: “Thanks to the widely advertised Advent Calendar campaign, we collected lots of products. All parishioners joined the action!”
Click here to download the calendar.
If you are from a school or parish in the diocese of Westminster, or involved in a food project in the diocese, and would like printed copies of the calendar please email before the end of October
If you are from another diocese Caritas and want to adapt the calendar please email for an editable version.
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- 2023 AGC image

Pictures above show the Advent Calendar displays and collections in 2022, from Cardinal Wiseman School, Archway parish and St Vincent’s Primary School