A two day conference on “Christian responsibility to Dalits and Caste discrimination” Tuesday 9th & Wednesday 10th May 2017, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm, at Amigo Hall, St George’s Cathedral, London, SE1 7YH.
The Christian Network Against Caste Discrimination [CANCAD] is the fruit of a joint celebration with ‘Southall Churches Together’ for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity [WPCU] 2013, having ‘Dalits and Caste Discrimination’ as its theme.
In 2014, the Network conducted a 2-day international conference on ‘Christian Responsibility to Dalits and Caste Discrimination’, St. George’s Cathedral, London. Amongst others, prominent speakers were Bishops both from UK and India, and Members of the House of Lords. It covered the Global and UK context, including the awaited implementation of the Equalities Act 2010/2013 provision outlawing caste discrimination in the UK. It also highlighted the scale of the Global perspective, as one third of the Global poor are Dalits [Scheduled Castes / Tribes (SC/ST); Other / Backward Communities (O/BC)].
The WPCU, UN bodies such as Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, European Union and the Catholic Bishops Conference of India [CBCI] have condemned the caste system. However, much more needs to be done to abolish this old, evil and dehumanising practice, and to mainstream its victims.
The 2014 conference decided to plan a follow-up for 2017. Our aim is to further deepen awareness of Christian responsibility regarding Dalits and Caste Discrimination and commitment to their cause. We are delighted that confirmed speakers include Cardinal Peter Turkson (Prefect of the Dicastery for promoting Integral Human Development, Vatican), Bishop Patrick Lynch (CBCEW), Lord Bishop Richard Harries, a number of Indian (CBCI) Bishops Neethinathan, Soundararajan, Antony Poola and Sarat Chandra Nayak. We have also invited representatives from the different Christian communities and their official Charities.
This 2-day international conference will again be held at Amigo Hall, St George’s Cathedral, London.
For registration and further information email: vodi@vodintl.org.uk Tel: 0208 813 2380 / 07919 247 332, or Mr Jan Janoszka, Email: janj@rcdow.org.uk Tel: 07572 942 799.
Requested conference donation of £10 per day.