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Community Sponsorship of Refugees


On Wednesday the 1st of February, Caritas Westminster alongside Capital Mass, held an information sharing event about the Home Office Community Sponsorship Scheme.

During the evening we heard from Bekele Woyecha of Citizens UK, Major Nick Coke from the Salvation Army and Sean Ryan from Caritas Salford, about their experiences of sponsoring refugee families. 

There was also a chance for people to ask questions from an expert panel which in addition to the speakers included:

Samuel Yung – Church Response For Refugees 

Jessica Wyatt – Lambeth Palace

Sarah Gough – Private landlord in London informally accommodating and supporting Syrian Refugee Family

Madeline Dewhurst & Barbara Luckhurst -Enfield Refugee Welcome group

We also heard an update from Anna Farina of Syria Relief about their ongoing work on the ground in Syria. To learn more about the work they are doing, and how you can support them click here 

You can read a full report of the evening here and see the photos on Flickr

To look at the Home Office resources on Community Sponsorship click here

To see some of the resources shown during the evening click here

Thank you to everyone who came to the event, and a special thank you to all those who contributed content towards the evening:

Community Sponsoeship group logos



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