On the 20th June, Caritas Development workers Elizabeth Wills and Phoebe Prendergast took 30 reception pupils from Our Lady’s Primary School in Hitchin to visit the Bethany Club at Our Lady and St Andrew parish. This visit was planned as part of the schools Love in Action work. The Bethany Club is a drop in lunch for elderly people, to encourage parishioners to come together and combat loneliness. Elizabeth said about the visit ‘The children were amazing and beautifully behaved, the elderly guests absolutely loved their visit’.
Caritas first visited the school a month before to talk about the work that we do and start a discussion about how the schools can help in their local community. The children and their teacher Chloe Green learnt about some of the principles of Love in Action and decided to visit the Bethany Club at the local parish. The children introduced themselves one by one to the club members, sang three songs with actions and then spent 15 minutes chatting and mingling with the guests. The children said that chatting with the guests was their favourite part ‘because they were very nice’
Elizabeth really enjoyed being part of this saying: ‘I spoke to one lady in particular who really pulled on my heart strings. I asked her if she was enjoying herself and she replied “I lost my husband a couple of weeks ago and I didn’t want to come out today, I am so glad I did – these lovely children have made my day, thank you for bringing them here and cheering me up”’
‘This quote says it all for me and demonstrates how much impact a small gesture of kindness can make on the lives of others. Most importantly it shows and teaches the children at a young age the importance of giving their time (for nothing) to help others.’
Teacher Chloe Green said ‘The children in my class gained so much from reaching out to the wider community and visiting the Bethany Club’.
Going on to say: ‘They have learnt how to think about others and show love and care to all – a life long lesson that is so important in the world they will grow up in. The children enjoyed getting to know and spending time with older members of their community. As their teacher, I have witnessed them blossoming into true disciples of Jesus and his teachings. Many thanks to the Hitchin Caritas Team! It has been an absolute pleasure to be a part of the Caritas project that Phoebe and Elizabeth have pioneered at our school. The children in my class gained so much from reaching out to the wider community and visiting the Bethany Club. They have learnt how to think about others and show love and care to all – a life long lesson that is so important in the world they will grow up in. The children enjoyed getting to know and spending time with older members of their community. As their teacher, I have witnessed them blossoming into true disciples of Jesus and his teachings. Many thanks to the Hitchin Caritas Team!’
These trips will hopefully continue and form part of the school’s action plan when they continue with Love in Action in September.

Children Singing

Children interacting with older people

Children are delighted with their Caritas badges