The Caritas Volunteer Service Has launched!


In March 2017, Caritas Westminster launched the Caritas Volunteer Service. The service brings together volunteering opportunities from parishes, schools, and organisations to create a one-stop-shop for volunteering within the Catholic Community. 

The service is completely free to use. To take a look at current volunteering roles click here.

Why should I volunteer?

Volunteering is an opportunity to offer your time and skills, without monetary or material reward, for the benefit of others. We are all blessed with different gifts and skills, and the benefits of sharing those gifts and skills through volunteering can be life changing for you and the people you work with.

Volunteering can also have many benefits:

  • Meeting new people
  • Helping others in need
  • Gaining new skills
  • Build your confidence

Pope Francis calls us to not “be observers of life, but get involved.” Volunteering is a great way to live out your faith, and get involved in your local community.

How do I get involved?

You can register for a free account by clicking here. You can then search for available opportunites based on location, age, skills, causes, and time requirement. If you have any questions, or need any guidance, please do get in touch.

If you work for an organisation, parish, or school and would like to post your volunteerting opportunities, please click here.

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