General News
Seeds Hub Accelerator Programme launches in Wembley
Seeds Hub, a project of Caritas Westminster, is pleased to announce the launch of its…
Why should people learn BSL?
As Sign Language Week 2025 draws to a close, we’re sharing a reflection by Sr…
Always the same spirit: a reflection from Caritas St Joseph’s
To mark the feast of its patron saint on March 19th, Gail Williams, Head of…
Sign Language Week 2025
To mark the beginning of Sign Language Week from 17-23 March, Shell Roca, Head of…
Hitchin Pantry Volunteer awarded by North Herts Council
Caritas Westminster is delighted to share that David Whittaker, a volunteer at Hitchin Pantry, was…
Caritas St Joseph’s opens Connect@ Hub in Whitton
Caritas St Joseph’s is pleased to have opened a fourth Connect@ hub in Whitton, offering…
Caritas Westminster hosts Jubilee Volunteering Fair
To mark the Jubilee of Volunteering on 8-9 March, Caritas Westminster was thrilled to host…
Seeds Hub launches Accelerator Programme in Hackney
Seeds Hub, a project of Caritas Westminster, is thrilled to be piloting a new three-month…
Reflections from a visit to Calais
Following a trip to Calais with Neighbours in Poplar, our Caritas Food Programme Support Officer…