General News
Promoting the Dignity of Workers
Caritas Westminster is developing a social innovation and business centre in Wembley. The centre…
Neighbours in Poplar visit Dunkirk
by Sr Christine Frost The Neighbours in Poplar team set out for Folkestone just after 7am…
Vacancy: Courtyard Youth Worker
“Courtyard” is a fresh model of detached youth work for the Catholic Church. For full…
St Paul’s Catholic College in Sunbury Steps Forward in Love
by Edward de Quay This article first appeared in the CSAN ‘Caritas in Action’ column…
The Caritas Volunteer Service Has launched!
In March 2017, Caritas Westminster launched the Caritas Volunteer Service. The service brings together volunteering…
There’s No Health Like Mental Health- Parish Workshops
Caritas Westminster is working with Welcome Me As I Am and Mind to run workshops…
Caritas St Joseph’s Nativity Cribs
Caritas St Joseph’s can design and make a new Christmas Nativity Crib to suit the…
The Art of Dying Well
A new website tackling the many questions and issues around death and dying launched recently.…
The “Jungle” in Calais
by Usha Viswanathan In his years of pastoral work, nothing prepared Brother Johannes for the…