Cardinal Vincent Nichols

Love in Action is a parish programme designed to introduce your congregation, youth, school or faith-sharing group to the principles of Catholic social teaching (CST). After completing the programme, you will have the tools to reflect on the needs of your community and start your own social outreach projects.

Love in Action introduces Catholic social teaching (CST) through Sunday Liturgy, group activities, and school assemblies. The programme uses a three step process to help people to engage with CST:

Six principles of CST are explored in the Sunday liturgy and in parish life: parish groups, families, with children and young people.

People are invited to go deeper, to meet together for a workshop on CST and social action.

People can then embark on a creative process to develop an Action Plan to discern their community response and to put love into action.

Sign up for our resources

So that we can measure how often our resources are used, we kindly ask that you sign up to use them.

If you are a parish in the Diocese of Westminster, please do contact our Catholic Social Teaching Lead Sr Silvana for advice and assistance in running Love in Action –

We advise people from schools to take a look at our Catholic Social Teaching resources for schools – you can find these by scrolling down our main resources page

Scroll down to access the resources once you have logged in.

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Love in Action Programme Resources

The resources are flexible and can be used to fit into your community’s pattern of life. From a light introduction to CST to a more detailed formation for those who discover they are ready for more, Love in Action will inspire people to put faith into action in small or large ways.

Introductory and General Resources>

Each resource is designed to be used on one of the six weeks:


After the Weekly Programme, you can use the Workshop to encourage people to explore the riches of Catholic social teaching and to consider how the principles can be put into practice, especially in their own lives.

Parish Action Plan

After the workshop, a parish can use the Parish Action Plan resources to help the parish discern the needs of its local area and design their responses.

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