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For primary schools, the presentation goes through the story of Little Amal and her visit to Westminster Cathedral in London where she was welcomed by Cardinal Vincent Nichols. Little Amal is a 3.5 meter tall puppet who represents unaccompanied child refugees. Amal journeyed from the Turkey-Syria border to the UK, tracing the perilous journey that many migrants and refugees make. This presentation is set out like a story, with opportunities for reflection, prayer and learning.

For secondary schools, our presentation is called Warriors of Hope. This presentation is designed to help students learn, reflect, and pray about the situations that asylum seekers, migrants and refugees face in their journeys toward sanctuary. It is interactive, with opportunities for discussion and imaginative responses to questions posed.

We also have general resources on St Josephine Bakhita and our Advent Giving Calendar.

Advent Giving CalendarAn assembly resource introducing our Advent Giving Calendar (2022)Download
St Josephine BakhitaAn assembly about St Josephine Bakhita, patron saint of victims of slavery, and our work …Download
Warriors of Hope (Presentation)Secondary resource on migrants and refugees.Download
Warriors of Hope (Information)Secondary resource on migrants and refugees, information sheet for teachers.Download
The Story of Little Amal (Presentation)Primary Resource on migrants and refugees.Download
The Story of Little Amal (Information)Primary resource on migrants and refugees, information sheet for teachers.Download