Solidarity & Peace posterDownload
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Preferential Option for the Poor posterDownload
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Children’s ResourceDownload
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Pope Francis quote poster – Care of creationDownload
Leaders and Liturgy ResourcesDownload
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Say it with your LifeFaith Sharing Resource, 2017Download
Social Media SheetDownload
Icebreaker Powerpointpdf.Download
Icebreaker Powerpointpptx.Download
Workshop PowerpointDownload
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KS1 assemblyDownload
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Parish Plan GuideDownload
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Year 1 lessonDownload
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Year 2 lessonDownload
Year 2 lesson planDownload
KS1 Lesson PlanDownload
Year 2 display idea (leaves)Download
KS1 ResourceDownload
Year 3 lessonDownload
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Year 3 lesson planDownload
LKS2 Lesson PlanDownload
Year 3 Prayer for our EarthDownload
Teachers Notes and CLMDownload
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Year 4 lesson planDownload
UKS2 Lesson PlanDownload
Year 4 Garden of Eden artDownload
Year 5 lessonDownload
Year 5 lesson planDownload
Parish Plan ToolkitDownload
Year 5 SEND scaffoldDownload
Parish Plan Meeting 1pptx.Download
Rooted in Love logo – RedDownload
Parish Plan Meeting 1pdf.Download
Parish Plan Meeting 2pptx.Download
Parish Plan Meeting 2pdf.Download
Group Work ImagesDownload
KS1 PresentationDownload
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KS1 ResourceDownload
LKS2 PresentationDownload
LKS2 Lesson PlanDownload
Rooted in Love logo – WhiteDownload
Teachers Notes and CLMDownload
UKS2 PresentationDownload
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KS1 PresentationDownload
KS1 Lesson PlanDownload
LKS2 PresentationDownload
LKS2 Lesson PlanDownload
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UKS2 PresentationDownload
The Story of Little Amal (Information)Primary resource on migrants and refugees, information sheet for teachers.Download
UKS2 Lesson PlanDownload
KS1 PresentationDownload
KS1 Lesson PlanDownload
LKS2 PresentationDownload
LKS2 Lesson PlanDownload
The Story of Little Amal (Presentation)Primary Resource on migrants and refugees.Download
UKS2 PresentationDownload
Warriors of Hope (Information)Secondary resource on migrants and refugees, information sheet for teachers.Download
UKS2 Lesson PlanDownload
Warriors of Hope (Presentation)Secondary resource on migrants and refugees.Download
Teachers Notes and CLMDownload
St Josephine BakhitaAn assembly about St Josephine Bakhita, patron saint of victims of slavery, and our work …Download
Advent Giving CalendarAn assembly resource introducing our Advent Giving Calendar (2022)Download
Dignity bookmarkDownload
Community & Participation bookmarkDownload
Leader’s Liturgy ResourceDownload
Care of Creation bookmarkDownload
Solidarity & Peace bookmarkDownload
Preferential Option for the Poor bookmarkDownload
Dignity of WorkersDownload
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Newsletter InsertDownload
Youth Resource InstructionsDownload
Youth ResourceDownload
Faith Sharing ResourceDownload
Children’s ResourceDownload
Prayer CardDownload
Social Media PromptsDownload
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Newsletter InsertDownload
Youth ResourceDownload
Faith Sharing ResourceDownload
Children’s ResourceDownload
Catholic Social Teaching bannerDownload
Prayer CardDownload
Social Media PromptsDownload
Leaders and Liturgy ResourcesDownload
KS2 ResourceDownload
Teachers Notes and CLMDownload
EYFS lessonDownload
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Youth ResourceDownload
Year 1 lessonDownload
Faith Sharing ResourceDownload
Year 1 lesson planDownload
Children’s ResourceDownload
Year 2 lessonDownload
Newsletter InsertsDownload
Year 2 lesson planDownload
Prayer CardDownload
Year 3 lessonDownload
Social Media PromptsDownload
Year 3 lesson planDownload
Year 4 lessonDownload
Leaders and Liturgy ResourcesDownload
Year 4 lesson planDownload
Year 5 lessonDownload
Year 5 lesson planDownload
Year 6 lessonDownload
Year 6 lesson planDownload
EYFS assemblyDownload
KS1 assemblyDownload
LKS2 assemblyDownload
UKS2 assemblyDownload
Take Home SheetsDownload
Youth ResourceDownload
Care for Creation posterDownload
Faith Sharing ResourceDownload
Children’s ResourceDownload
Newsletter InsertsDownload
Prayer CardDownload
Dignity posterDownload
Social Media SheetsDownload
Dignity of Workers posterDownload
Leaders and Liturgy ResourcesDownload
Community & Participation posterDownload
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